The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43410   Message #2252979
Posted By: GUEST,Okie Red
04-Feb-08 - 04:17 AM
Thread Name: Help: Lullabies to Record
Thanks Mellisa! Still trying to find the author of the song Emaline. Ever heard of it? The lyrics are as follows:

There was a boy named Emaline.
Hung three red shirts out on the line.
He had a goat in his backyard.
Tied to a post and pulling hard.

Well the goat got loose from Emaline.
And he ate those shirts right off the line.
Then Emaline got mad and said.
I wish to goodness that goat was dead.

So he took him down to the railroad tracks.
And he tied him there flat on his back.
Then around the bend came a fast express.
I'll leave it to you to guess the rest.

Sing some sad songs but not goodbye.
For that old goat was too wise to die.
He had a scheme in his old brain.
Coughed up those shirts and flagged the train.

Of course, the song always ended with my sister and I making our obligatory train whistle sound effect. TOOT TOOT!!!! If anyone can help me with this I would be grateful. Thanks.