The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108163   Message #2253804
Posted By: GUEST,Art Thieme
05-Feb-08 - 01:37 AM
Thread Name: Art Thieme Offline,again - 2008
Subject: RE: Art Thieme Offline for a while
Howdy folks,

ACL = the Anterior Cruciate Ligament -- of my right knee. My surgeon was Sidney Sideman and he improvised the repair with a transplanted ligament. I was told it was the first time that repair had ever been done, although it's common now. He was also the father of my buddy, Mike Sideman, who I was with in 1962 in Cheyenne, Wyoming when we met elderly cowboy DEL BRAY in our hotel's bar. That was the night Del sang the song I eventually called "The Cowboy's Barbara Allen" on my first LP in 1976 or so. (Dr. Sid Sideman was also the doc for the Chicago Cardinals football team before they moved on to St. Louis.) ----- Good memories.
In 1997 I had my right knee replaced---41 years later.

I'm still trying to live down that condom thread. Someone told me a while ago that it was closed by Joe...
