The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108337   Message #2253838
Posted By: GUEST,JTT
05-Feb-08 - 03:41 AM
Thread Name: Songs of the Mexican revolution
Subject: RE: Songs of the Mexican revolution
Thanks for the verse explanation.

I see that De Las Torres De Puebla's lyrics are online in various of those sites that inexplicably assume that people who are looking for lyrics are also eager to gamble and view pornography.

Well, maybe they are, who knows?

Ah yes, history is always a matter of whether you're on the pointy end. I'm currently reading a very interesting essay, an introduction to a publication by Thomas Moore on the Veto Question, which points out that the Irish Parliament now fondly remembered by nationalists, which was dissolved through bribery in 1801, was the tool of the Ascendancy, a class determined to suppress the Catholics and Irishry by all methods, and the centre of the imposition of the Penal Laws for the suppression of Catholicism.

Until we learn to negotiate, and until we learn to be content with *enough for myself*, violence is inevitable; or so it seems to me.

I'm reading this from a distance in time and geography, but it appears that Mexico before the revolution had taken rights to own land away from people who had been farming the same land for hundreds of generations; that an aristocratic class was grabbing the land of others, making profits off the backs of the poor, and preventing the people they thrust into poverty from getting schooling and advancement.

And it also appears that the still fairly new American state was encroaching on Mexican land and appropriating it into its territory.

But as I say, I'm working this out from my reading; I have no personal experience of it. I'm just trying to make my way through the propaganda from all sides.

As for Pancho Villa and all revolutionaries and warriors, I think that we forget how traumatic violence and terror are, and how liable to warp the characters of even the finest people. Look at their sad effects on the men now returning home to America from Iraq.

(By the way, I didn't know that France occupied Mexico? How we people get around!)