The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64256   Message #2254364
Posted By: wysiwyg
05-Feb-08 - 04:22 PM
Thread Name: Aw, Can We Keep Him???
Subject: RE: Aw, Can We Keep Him???

LOL, I forgot I started this-- helps keep the dog's age and arrival date straight, eh? :~)

Susan: "So lemme get this straight. Your policy is, no more than 2 dogs. If I want to add a dog, how many cats have to go? Which lap-warmer-- Atticus or Isis? And BTW, when was it you were gong to make Isis the basement cat?"
Hardi: "If Sadie goes, you can get another dog. Cats don't count."
Susan: "OK, so if Faulkner goes, then I can get another dog?"
Hardi, really disturbed: "Faulkner is NOT replaceable!"

This, from the avowed "not a dog person," who swears that when he sees F his first thought is always, "There's that damn dog again-- another mouth to feed." The same dog who has been getting 4 times as much ear/belly-rubbing since Sadie came to the house, because she shows what a GREAT DOG Faulkner is, every minute she's here.

And because Faulkner IS a great dog (who Hardi adores). He even gets fanmail, and has been mentioned on the radio for his hockey-discernment skills! (He's been incredibly patient with Sadie.)

Last night I dreamed that a little dog named Enid (!?!?!?!) came to live with us. ENID???? She sure was cute-- yellow minidog, sort of a rat terrier/corgi mix but with a miniature bulldog face (ug-leee?). Smart too; highly telepathic. Cat-sized. Enid.... oh Enid..........
