The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108369   Message #2254466
Posted By: M.Ted
05-Feb-08 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: You'll never believe this video
Subject: RE: You'll never believe this video
I'm pretty sure that that's Bob Smale, not Myron Floren, and he does looks like he is choking something back as he introduces the number. And Lawrence Welk does the extro, and anyone who thinks that it's fake never watched the show. As I said, I remember seeing the number years ago on TV.

I am sure that the guys in the band all knew what the song was about--since they were LA studio musicians, and most had played in various of the famous jazz orchestras.

I've always enjoyed the show, because it is real, live music, with real live singing, without lipsynch or backing tracks. The big hair is a bonus.