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Thread #106771   Message #2254583
Posted By: Nickhere
05-Feb-08 - 07:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
Teribus, hold my breath? No, I can't hold it that long! ;-)

But seriously, it's not as outlandish as you think. Someone has to make a first move - the world always seems to expect Hamas to do it. What they're asking is Hamas (and West Bank Palestinians in general) to do is to stop without any promise even that Israeli settlements will stop nevermind be withdrawn back over the Green Line. Now I'm no salesman, but even a child could tell that's a bum deal. Palestinians see their land being overrun and colonised and themselves turned out of their own homes and farms. What do yiou expect them to do? Appeal to the UN? The UN has already declared dozens of times that Israel's in the wrong here, needs to pull back, let refugees return etc., Israel has shown no interest in listening to the UN, just ignores it unless the UN pronounces against Iran or something (not that Iran is brilliant in that regard either). In any case, Palestinians can see the poweful leaders of the West have no real appetite in forcing Israel to do the right thing at this point. They can see Bush, Blair etc are not neutral here, but on the side of Israel as a valauble military ally and outpost in the region that has been of interest because of its oil (the region, not Israel).

So they take matters into their own hands. They voted for Hamas because Hamas promised to stand up for them, unlike Fatah. Arafat went from strongman (and to the West 'terrorist') to Israel's local policeman in the West Bank when he got into his old age. The people realised they'd been had. Palestinians then got punished by Israel and the West for making the wrong democratic choice and choosing Hamas to represent them. If Hamas refuses to recognise the state of Israel why the surprise? Israel has never defined its borders and seems intent on making the West bank a part of its national territory. The irony here is that Israel is the one wiping the West Bank off the map. If it succeeds in going on as it is, it'll be known simply as Israel, and not the West Bank, in 20 - 30 years.

So to punish Palestinians for chooisng Hamas, aid and funds are cut, while erstwhile 'terrorists' Fatah are ressurected and reinvigorated by the West to rival Hamas. They are flooded with money, recognition etc., while Hamas are sidelined. It's laughable to hear in the news nowadays how Hamas 'seized control' of Gaza - even though it was Fatah who 'seized control' of the West bank, thanks to all the help they got from the West to do so.

Hezbollah are another issue. The bottom line is if the colonies were abolished (which shouldn't have been built in the first place) and Israel withdrew to the Green Line and released its stranglehold on Palestinian life, the Intifada would ahve lost its raison d'Etre. If you still find a few hard men at it after that, you'll be dealing with very much a minority.