The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46639   Message #2255084
Posted By: Flatfoot
06-Feb-08 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: how is Nic Jones
Subject: RE: how is Nic Jones
I sent Nic a version of Green To Grey I recorded last summer and was chuffed to get a hand-written letter of thanks in reply. He seems jovial enough, and while it is a great shame we are unliely to ever see him live again he does enjoy noddling on the guitar at home. I know he and his wife Julia moved house recently, and have been dealing with all the tribulations that entails. I have been in contact trying to work out who owns the rights to the two early Nic Jones solo LPs as well as Devil To A Stranger and The Noahs' Ark Trap, which are like the proverbial rocking horse excretia to hold of, but I have managed to find after much trial on vinyl. I had a view to getting them re-issued on a small label with a friend of mine. I was sadly warned not to involve myself in trying to untangle the legal knotwork that sadly prevents these classic LPs from being re-issued for my own well-being! Let's hope one day in the not too distant future that can be resolved, it really is a crime that such seminal recordings are denied wider distribution.