The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108205   Message #2255416
Posted By: Slag
06-Feb-08 - 06:25 PM
Thread Name: God still with me 2008
Subject: RE: God still with me 2008
Sanctimony? Feigned righteousness? Self-righteousness masquerading as true piety? Where have I claimed my own righteousness?

Edicts? If there are edicts they are the ones from Scripture. I didn't invent Christianity. Authority? Only the authority of the Scriptures. What we know of Christ, we know from the Scripture and that is why I recognize the Bible as authoritative.

Misquote? Show me where I have misquoted. Context? The context is there for anyone to see, that is, unless you would like me to cut and paste large portions of the Testaments to this thread. And If you want I can give you the Biblia Hebraica text, the Septuagint, the Hellenic with all the historic textual variants, if you like.

Nor am I trying to proselytize anyone. However, if I were, there is scriptural imperative to do so (Jn 20:21, Lk 24:47, Mk 16:15, Mt. 28:19,20. among others). I firmly and absolutely believe in the right of every person to follow their own conscience. You are only responsible for the light you may have.

I have stated that I believe in the case put forth for the deity of Jesus Christ and I believe that His teachings are true. There are many points where some people may disagree with regards to any single passage or even doctrinal teachings in Scripture. Each case must stand on its own merits. Denominationalism attests to this truth. Rather, I am speaking in basic terms to the most basic truths claimed in the Bible.

Before I met Jesus I had read the Bible. I could tie Christians up in knots about the Bible. I was a real smart aleck among other things. I didn't know the Author. But when I surrendered my life to Jesus I got a whole new light on the subject. It was no longer the words of men. It was the Word of God. I knew the truth because I now knew the Truth ( not a tautology ). He and the truth He bears witness to was impressed upon my mind and heart. This may be grounds for a discussion on epistemology but I know what I know.

If I began talking about someone you knew personally, quoting them and giving opinions about them though I had never met them or maybe asserting that they really didn't exist, you might think " Oh boy. Do I have this guy!" And you'd be right. Well, I'm telling you about someone I have met. I am not trying to sandbag you or best you in an argument. It is really not an argument. It is a statement of faith. I now have a personal relationship with Jesus. Anyone can have this relationship. In the Bible is an open invitation to any and all. It is not an exclusive club. Whosoever means just that. Anyone.

I am not righteous. I stand in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. I did nothing to deserve God's favor. If anything, I deserved just the opposite. I don't really know why God loves us. He does. It's His nature. But He is also a righteous God and He has established His law. Jesus said "I came not to destroy the Law but to establish it". I would love to digress here. So many directions, but time and space do not allow. I am attempting to set forth some of the basic facts as given in Scripture. These basic things are quite clear and are available to anyone who wants to read what the book has to say. Again, the Book of John is a good place to begin.

I do not claim to know everything but the things I know, I know. Other things I take on faith because I know Him and trust Him.