The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108337   Message #2255449
Posted By: pdq
06-Feb-08 - 06:56 PM
Thread Name: Songs of the Mexican revolution
Subject: RE: Songs of the Mexican revolution

Everything I have said is true and can be varified by doing a little research. You choose to ignore the truth and push a version of history that is based on your prejudice and bigotry. You have shown yourself to be a politically-motivated hachettman on many threads. You have even referred to some Americans as "White Trash".

You are an Anglo-hater and you are anti-American. You are the bigot.

If you look on the net for stories about the Bear Flag Republic and the Republic of Texas, you will find some interesting reading. Key people like Pio Pico and John C. Fremont are there.

The history of Mexico involves more than two groups. There were the Spanish conquistidors, the native Mexicans, the Mexican-born Spanish and the Anglos. I don't believe you will find the Anglo oppression of Mexicans that you seem to be looking for. If you do, please post . The native people were nearly destroyed by Spanish while the Anglos spread out across the continent looking for farm land and a peaceful place to start a new. life.