The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108286   Message #2255920
Posted By: artbrooks
07-Feb-08 - 10:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Clinton/Obama too close, McCain surging
Subject: RE: BS: Clinton/Obama too close, McCain surging
We had a very interesting caucus in New Mexico,,,so many people turned out that they had to run out to Office Max to print more ballots! I managed to get into the wrong line, and ended up in the "people with issues" line (well, maybe not all that wrong...). Neither of the two people in front of me were on the "registered Democrats"; one was give a provisional ballot, although he made a big fuss about being required to sigh an affidavit that he was a Democrat, the other was turned away after saying, "oh no, I can't sign that, I'm a Republican". Our caucus is still undecided and will depend delegate count will be decided on the provisional ballots - I wonder how many og the 17,000 outstanding votes were really made by Republicans?

Drivers licenses? They are, and should be, nothing more than proof of a person's ability to drive. Perhaps if the lady who rear-ended me a couple of years ago, and who also had no insurance and didn't speak English, had one I wouldn't have a new car today. If a National Identity Card is necessary to prove citizenship, than lets have one, but trying to make the one serve for the other is stupid.