The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108205   Message #2256136
Posted By: Bob Pacquin
07-Feb-08 - 02:33 PM
Thread Name: God still with me 2008
Subject: RE: God still with me 2008
Dear, Dear, Sweet Mrrzy, Beware!! You're falling into a trap that they've set for you.

Old Bob has grown up among the the worst of them, and they like nothing better than to be ridiculed by folks like us. It gives them an opening to start pumping out rhetoric, for one thing, but more important, it gives them a chance to give a knowing nod to the gathered multitudes and say, "You see? I told you that Satan was out there. Now write out a big check, so I can really lay into him with both hands." And the money rolls in.

One thing to remember is that these "Evangelicals" are great at arguementation and masters of logic and rhetoric--they've got long, reasoned, and logically consistant statements about everything. They may not convince you or me of anything, but even when they debate with us, they aren't really talking to us, they are selling to the multitudes.

And for those of you our there who are "believers", even though Old Bob may not agree with you, he respects you, and loves you a lot. He is just telling you that some of these Bible-thumping stump Evangelists are trying to separate you from whatever they can by scaring you away from the rest of humanity, then shaking you down when they've got you alone.

And before you go off, Mrrzy, Old Bob knows you've got one last question--and the answer is, "Live right, and show people that you're happy, and you can beat them." Folks prefer happy and accepting to contentious and judgemental.