The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108369   Message #2257051
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
08-Feb-08 - 02:23 PM
Thread Name: You'll never believe this video
Subject: RE: You'll never believe this video
Poppagator, that was in actuality the VU song "Sister Ray". The original was a much longer version, and it was pared down to fit into the requirements of Welk's commercial breaks. Welk was not a very passionate Reed fan, as Bill Berkey, the banjo player remembers in a TV Guide interview. "Lawrence had been a huge Doors fan, and was well known for his polka version of Celebration of the Lizard, but he claimed most of the Velvets stuff was 'too dark' for the show. I worked up several VU tunes with Tommy Baresky the organist including Venus in Furs and The Black Angel's Death Song and we played them for Larry at a cocktail party at his place in Minot, after slipping Welk a dose of windowpane. But the only tune he approved for the Show was Sister Ray, which he said had a 'lively, upbeat tempo'. We did perform it, and it went over gangbusters as you can see in the video. I don't remember much about the performance because I had packed in two enormous nose-loads of china white at the last commercial break, but I think my playing is not too bad. Of course, this went on to become our closing number during the 1970 American Legion Tour."