The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108205   Message #2257148
Posted By: Georgiansilver
08-Feb-08 - 04:05 PM
Thread Name: God still with me 2008
Subject: RE: God still with me 2008
Because someone believes in God does not necessarily mean He exists....because someone does not believe in God does not mean He does not exist...MMMMMM. I recognise God as being an integral part of my existence....without Him I struggled through life and upset/hurt/damaged a lot of people both mentally and physically. Before becoming a Christian at the tender age of 43yrs I was thought of as a thug. I was a drinker/fighter/womaniser/swearer/gambler and most of my so called friends were my friends only because it was better to be on my good side than my bad. Someone once said of me that I was the most balanced man they had ever met...I had a chip on both shoulders!!!! That hurt at the time but did not change my attitudes. Becoming a Christian did!
When people say they have a relationship with Jesus/God/Holy Spirit, they are met with an aggressive attitude from many who don't believe. Do they actually believe that Christians...and I talk of true Christians, born of water and the Spirit...born again believers who try...with the help of the Holy live a good Christian life by following the path and words of Jesus, are living a lie?.
There can never be a level of understanding on this thread as there is a definitive rift between believers and non-believers.
We all have an opinion of some sort but at least let's be tolerant of each other and accept each other for who we are...whether Christian or non-Christian.
Best wishes, Mike.
PS. There are some non-Christians on this thread who I admire for their tolerance...even understanding.