The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108354   Message #2257411
Posted By: Uncle Phil
08-Feb-08 - 10:22 PM
Thread Name: Songs about airplanes, aeroplanes, air travel
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes
If nothing else it's easy to remember the words.

(Merle Haggard)

Silver wings shining in the sunlight,
Roaring engines headed somewhere in flight.
They're taking you away,
Leaving me lonely,
Silver wings slowly fading out of sight.

"Don't leave me." I cried, "Don't take that airplane ride."
But you locked me out of your mind,
And left me standing here behind.

Silver wings shining in the sunlight,
Roaring engines headed somewhere in flight.
They're taking you away,
Leaving me lonely,
Silver wings slowly fading out of sight.

Silver Wings from the "Last of the Breed" tour

- Phil