The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108286   Message #2257571
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
09-Feb-08 - 08:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Clinton/Obama too close, McCain surging
Subject: RE: BS: Clinton/Obama too close, McCain surging
In the cereal aisle at the big box grocery stores, you bet. You have your choice of 500 different boxes of sugar cereals that all taste exactly the same.

Choice in our political leaders? Not so much.

I have finally come up with an iron clad reason to vote for Clinton, though. If you all (remember, I'm sitting out the prez race, meself) vote for Clinton, Big Media and the punditocracy will lose.

As it is, your stinking votes aren't gonna matter one iota. This so-called "election" is all going to be decided by 800 or so super delegates somewhere in the Poconos.