The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108286   Message #2257830
Posted By: Charley Noble
09-Feb-08 - 01:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clinton/Obama too close, McCain surging
Subject: RE: BS: Clinton/Obama too close, McCain surging
Geeze! It's getting hot and heavy around here and it's still February. Too bad I can't tap some of the heat for this house. Even my offer of "chocolate chip cookies and oatmeal raisin cookies' is scorned by GG and a few others. As if they were capable of coming up with a more flavorful or healthyl alternative. I'm also bringing a jug of cider as well. I suppose you don't like cider either!

Well, we'll just have to hold our caucus gathering this Sunday without you. Actually I'm more concerned that folks in this town will not be able to make it. We're having another big snow storm tonight and there is no more room to get rid of the stuff. And it's supposed to continue snowing all Sunday, inch by inch. Well, we only live a block and a half from the Town Office and can make it by snowshoe if necessary. And if no one else shows up, Judy and I will vote in our current favorites.

It will still be too close to call!

Charley Noble