The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108163   Message #2258216
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
10-Feb-08 - 12:16 AM
Thread Name: Art Thieme Offline,again - 2008
Subject: RE: Art Thieme Offline for a while
Art plays an amazing array of things very well. He could have no voice at all and still had a great musical career. Instead, he has that marvelous voice and the great musical instrumental talent--what a combination! Sorry for gushing--I was listening to this CD of the 1980 interview again on my drive back from the concert in Arlington (Jed Marum--also very good!). Almost crying at the "Death of Robin Hood."

I have been rearranging the musical section of my office since a few weeks ago when my sister mailed me a bunch of my father's books she had taken from his house after he died. I thought I'd never see them again, so have happily been moving stuff and putting the Child's English and Scottish Popular Ballads and several of his other large books in a place of honor. Along the way I've been revisiting a lot of the home-made and commercial CDs I have of various folks, many Mudcatters. And I have to do what Art is doing--move his music from cassettes to CD.