The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108354 Message #2258423
Posted By: Santa
10-Feb-08 - 10:32 AM
Thread Name: Songs about airplanes, aeroplanes, air travel
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes
The Fleet Air Arm has a number of songs involving aeroplanes, not surprisingly. There is a book - the title escapes me - on sale at the Fleet Air Arm Museum. Many are just parodies of current songs: Any Old Iron about the Fulmar, for example. Oh, Mr. Fairey about the Barracuda. The best known one is also in Cyril Tawney's Grey Funnel Line book. The A25 Song. The A25 is an aircraft accident report, and the song has a large number of verses from different periods.
example. The batsman says low, but I always fly higher. I come in too fast and I prang my Seafire The guys in the goofers all think I am green But I get my commission from Supermarine! (chorus) Cracking show! I'm alive! But I still have to render my A25.