The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21232   Message #225863
Posted By: Jacob B
10-May-00 - 12:11 PM
Thread Name: Looking for 1800 Party Game Dances
It will take me a while to write up all of those. Here's the first one.


Four couple longways sets

(First couple sashay down) Go through and hurry, go through and hurry
(First couple sashay back) Go through and hurry, my Alabama gal
(1st couple allemande R once and a half) You don't know how, girl. You don't know how, girl.
(1st couple allem. L twice with 2nd couple) You don't know how, girl, my Alabama gal
(1st couple allem. R twice around) I'll show you how, girl. I'll show you how, girl.
(1st couple allem. L twice with 3rd couple) I'll show you how, girl, my Alabama gal
(1st couple allem. R twice around) Ain't I rock candy, ain't I rock candy.
(1st couple allem. L twice with 4th couple) Ain't I rock candy, my Alabama gal
(Original top couple retires to their own side of set,
new top couple starts the dance)

I have also seen this dance described as being done in longways sets for as many as will, with the top couple doing an elbow reel all the way down, and the new top couple starting the dance when "Go through and hurry" comes around in the lyrics, even though there are other couples who are still in the process of doing the elbow reel.