The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106771   Message #2261168
Posted By: CarolC
13-Feb-08 - 03:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
Part of this fictionalised account CarolC - Tell us why the Arabs rioted in Jerusalem in March 1920? Tell us why they killed six Jews and injured 200 more? Tell us why they robbed and looted Jewish property?

Because they were being squeezed out of their own country by colonialist Europeans, and they knew it. They knew that the plan was to squeeze out or remove all of the non-Jewish indigenous population, and at that time, the consequence of this for the non-Jewish Palestinians was that they were being disposessed of their homes and their livelihoods, and they were quite understandably not happy about it.

Tel Hai was a product of bone-headed stupidity. The people there were settling on land that was in a border area between the British and French forces. The settlers were there in order to establish 'facts on the ground', but without any clear rights to be doing so, since there were questions about whether or not that area was within the British Mandate territory. They were attempting to gobble up as much territory, especially as much territory containing the watershed of the Jordan river as possible, and they were pushing boundaries in ways that caused a lot of friction between settlers and indigenous Arabs.

They were warned that they should leave that region and go somewhere safe until the situation was stabilized. The settlers in nearby settlements did evacuate. The settlers in Tel Hai chose not to, despite being instructed to do so. Eight Jews were killed in the battle. This event was used for propagandistic purposes afterwards, however, and was elevated to the status of legend to embody a principle of sacrifice in the name of 'redeeming the land' (a polite way of saying 'taking land from others').

I stand corrected on the airplane hijacking.