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Thread #106771   Message #2261424
Posted By: Teribus
13-Feb-08 - 11:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
What "fictionalised" book did that lot come out of CarolC?

The questions were asked because I knew for almost definite that CarolC would not come anywhere close to divulging the truth, mainly because it blows rather large holes in her arguement.

The Jaffa Riots - Lies deliberately told by Arab religious leaders about Jewish attacks and the murder of helpless Arabs by the Jews told in order to provoke and inflame the Arab population. Actual truth was that there had been no murders had there CarolC? There had been no attacks had there CarolC. But Arabs did kill and injure Jews in the process of driving them from their homes and looting their property didn't they CarolC. Up until this point there had been no attacks.

The Jewish villages that were attacked in the Tel Hai incident, that CarolC dismisses as a product of bone-headed stupidity, were attacked by who CarolC? British troops? French troops? Or was it by Nomadic Arab Tribesmen? It was the latter wasn't it CarolC? How many of them died CarolC? They did succeed in driving the Jewish villagers from their homes in three out of the four villages but at the fourth Tel Hai they stood and fought back. CarolC won't tell you any of this because those nice Palestinian Arabs wouldn't dream about doing anything like that, such an act would be completely beyond them

At the Passover Festival in Jerusalem it was the same story again wasn't it CarolC? Only difference this time it was on a much larger scale wasn't it? They whipped up and inflamed a crowd of between 160,000 and 200,000 Arabs and set them loose to plunder and burn Jewish property. All of it based on lies deliberately told to cause unrest.

The British once they finally got things back under control carried out an investigation didn't they CarolC? Here's what conclusions they drew:

"The racial strife was begun by the Arabs, and rapidly developed into a conflict of great violence between Arabs and Jews, in which the Arab majority, who were generally the aggressors, inflicted most of the casualties."

The guiding light behind all this was Tosser Arafat's Uncle:

"The dominant figure in Palestine during the Mandate years was neither an Englishman, nor a Jew, but an Arab — Haj Amin Muhammed Effendi al Husaini... Able, ambitious, ruthless, humourless, and incorruptible, he was of the authentic stuff of which dictators are made.

The greatest obstacle to his dream coming true, he believed, was the Jewish presence in Palestine. The Mufti's policy towards the Jews seems to have gone through two main stages: first, kill the Zionists, second, kill the Jews.

When he was young he used to work with a native Jew, Abbady, and one of his remarks to him was documented:

Remember, Abbady, this was and will remain an Arab land. We do not mind you natives of the country, but those alien invaders, the Zionists, will be massacred to the last man. We want no progress, no prosperity. Nothing but the sword will decide the fate of this country.

The Mufti's hatred towards the Jews originated from those roots. He did neither want progress nor prosperity. He just wanted Palestine to continue being the same backward and poor country, as it had been since the Jewish departure in the first centuries CE. Besides his pan-Arab tendencies he saw the Jews as bearers of modern European way of life, which confronted to the most sacred concepts of Islam, at least according to his version. In an interview with one Ladislas Farago he said:

The Jews have changed the life of Palestine in such a way that it must inevitably lead to the destruction of our race. We are not accustomed to this haste and speed, and therefore we are continually being driven into the background.

At first, his policy was to fight or massacre the Zionists, which he most notably achieved in the riots of 1920 and 1929 and later the 1936-1939 rebellion. However, when he realised that the Jews kept on flocking into the country, he thought the best way to deal with the Jewish problem was to dry up the source in Europe.

When he had to make a run for it during the 1936-1939 Arab revolt, he found his perfect partner in Europe didn't he CarolC? A kindred spirit who was also - able, ambitious, ruthless, humourless, and incorruptible, someone who most definitely was of the authentic stuff of which dictators are made - a little Austrian chap with a funny moustache if memory serves me correctly - CarolC would be able to tell you his name - Adolf Hitler wasn't it CarolC?