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Thread #108205   Message #2261740
Posted By: Mrrzy
13-Feb-08 - 06:05 PM
Thread Name: God still with me 2008
Subject: RE: God still with me 2008
Things that aren't logical are known all the time - see these threads (*BG*)! But the Universe *is* without reason. That doesn't make it unstudiable. Nobody understands quantum theory, said Feynman. Yet it's used in technology all the time.

I guess I should have worded it better, especially here, where people are being so careful. Sorry. I guess I mean it has no *purpose* - no reason as in no excuse, perhaps, rather than as in no rhyme.

Science is the best way known, so far, for investigating nature. It doesn't speak to anything else. And there ARE no "general" truths outside of that. I guess we *discover* more truths than we *invent* - I consider calculus and algebra, for example, to be discoveries of the way numbers work. To digress slightly, I loved math class because you could be really RIGHT, in that 2+2 *does* =4. In base anything bigger than 4, that is, where it =10. (I have a Tshirt that says There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary, and those who don't.)

So I mean, just because it has no reason (as in purpose), doesn't mean it can't make sense, as in, follow natural laws which we can discover (like physics and chemistry).

Also, humans are a part of nature. What we've invented is as natural as a weaver bird's nest. Our dams aren't unnatural and the beavers' natural - they are both natural phenomena for this planet.

The trick is, we don't HAVE to go with our nature, because we have free will. That's why we can have voluntary sex and all other mammals have to go into heat before either sex is interested (bonobos are the closest to having recreational sex but what they really do is rub vulvas all the time with everybody; it isn't so much the males and I don't think they [the males] ejaculate. And the females don't have orgasms, that is ours alone, aren't we special).

So yes, we can throw ourselves in front of various dangers to save others, and we can abstain from sex or from speech or from other natural acts. And all this can be studied! I am So madly in love with fMRI if it had been around I would never, ever have let them give me a doctorate and make me leave grad school!

(Off to research bonobos and ejaculation...)