The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21312   Message #226406
Posted By: black walnut
11-May-00 - 10:56 AM
Thread Name: If You like this band , you will love ..
Subject: RE: If You like this band , you will love ..
i hear you loud and clear, dadgbe, but i think julie is trying to open up our ears to folk we might not otherwise brave a listen to. i think what she's asking for is the kind of thing we often do with our drawing favourable comparisons, we expand the audience for some of our personal favourite finds. not all folk is done in the kitchen, and not all folk is done on the stage. it's both, and it's more than the sum. (my sermon is done.... now let's take up the offering!)

julie, you've issued a big challenge....
i'll try this one:

if you like Martin Simpson, you'll like Don Ross?

well, it's a start.....!

~black walnut