The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2224   Message #2265648
Posted By: Banjiman
18-Feb-08 - 04:25 PM
Thread Name: What is a Folk Song?
Subject: RE: What is a Folk Song?
I've spent all weekend at The Kirkby Fleetham Folk Club Winter Warmer sounded like folk, it felt like folk, it even smelt like folk at times....there were folk there to hear folk music and song.....were we all deluded? According to the archaic definitions on here of what some people would like folk music to be, we were at least 99% of the time. Even the trad stuff (and there was plenty of it sung sung unaccompanied as often as not)wasn't folky enough to be folk...... someone might have first heard it on a recording (horror of horrors).

Still without at least 50 years history of academic study of what folk music is and being too young to remember what it was like before it was all spoiled, what do I know?
