The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2224   Message #2266026
Posted By: Banjiman
19-Feb-08 - 05:33 AM
Thread Name: What is a Folk Song?
Subject: RE: What is a Folk Song?

I think we will try and make it over there to some of the festivals at some point (2 young children allowing!), I have absolutely no doubt we would enjoy ourselves immensely. Though I'm not convinced that my 5 stringer would be universally popular (what's new?) I am sure people would enjoy my other half's singing, a pretty equal mixture of Trad mainly Scottish (like her), self penned(...have you heard The Visitor? about a ship rescue off Robin Hood's Bay in N. Yorks.... you should, it's starting to be sung by other people...might be a "folk" song one day ....LoL) and a few carefully chosen songs from other "known" authors.

Please re-read my posts...I love a lot of old songs (I think I've made that pretty clear)....I just love a lot of new songs to and I don't like the false divisions that some seek to put between them.

I'll repeat my mantra.....a good song is a good song, I'm completely agnostic as to its source.

"otherwise the current generation would ritually burn everything 'old' (as you appear to be proposing with folk song)." ....I can only assume you have mixed my posts up with someone else's.

I invite you you to come to one of the KFFC weekend bashes and partake in the will hear massed, communal, harmonious singing of old (& new) songs that will make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up....assuming you have (and I'm pretty sure you do) a soul. This is not any kind of challenge, just a genuine offer.

Paul (not tired and grumpy anymore!)