The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108776   Message #2267439
Posted By: Gene Burton
20-Feb-08 - 11:29 AM
Thread Name: What is Acoustic Rock?
Subject: RE: What is Acoustic Rock?
"..oversentimentalised, self-indulgent, mawkish drivel."

Oh, OK- sorry I misunderstood you. I quite agree. The main problem with the glut of sad songs by blokes with acoustic guitars in the charts today, I think, is the fact that most are totally unmemorable, unhummable and lyrically banal. Not the fact that they ARE sad songs by blokes etc., etc. per se.

I still think if a songwriter uses melodies and /or instrumental styles which draw very heavily on traditional folk, there IS a case for the application of the "F" word, though.

(just waiting for somebody to pipe up with "F Off"...)