The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108848   Message #2268864
Posted By: Little Hawk
21-Feb-08 - 04:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christian name of your first love
Subject: RE: BS: Christian name of your first love
I can't remember the name of the first one...I started falling in love about the time I learned to walk, and there was this little girl in first grade, but I can't remember her name.

I do remember who I fell in love with in the 3rd Grade, though. Diane Powell. She was the daughter of some local farmer and was a grade or two older than me. I used to follow her around in a state of adoration, and observe everything she said and did. Then we moved to the USA, and Diane was lost to me forever! (sob!)

I also had an art teacher I fell in love with in Junior High. Miss Delavan. Another "older woman". She was glorious. Then she got married and became (shudder!) "Mrs Pinkney". Another dream destroyed! Her beauty and style deteriorated very noticeably in the next year or two after that...proof that marriage to a man named "Mr Pinkney" is a very bad idea, just as I had suspected! ;-)