The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21330   Message #226896
Posted By: GUEST,Adam Shaylor
11-May-00 - 11:52 PM
Thread Name: Why are guitars SEXY and banjos, not?
Subject: RE: Why are guitars SEXY and banjos, not?
I would have to agree that the question supplied for this forum assumes that banjo's aren't sexy when, in fact, they are.

Of course, I happen to play the banjo AND be a sexy guy. Someone mentioned a female banjo players - if I met any my age, I sure's hell would be turned on.

I also play the fiddle, and I've gotten a fair amount of attention for that. Now that I think about it, just about any kind of instrument can be sexy if you know how to play it and the subject of your romantic interest likes that genre of music.