The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21199   Message #226926
Posted By: Bob Bolton
12-May-00 - 01:41 AM
Thread Name: Favorite whistle tunes in G
Subject: RE: Favorite whistle tunes in G
G'day Alice,

When I went to Tasmania in 1965, I had several small whistles, Generations from 'Bb' up to the high 'G'. Even then I found the little 'G' very tight fingering ... and it hasn't got any roomier over a third of a century that included hard physical work in construction.

I do remember tootling away at some bright little tune, on the high 'G', in the backwoods south of Hobart and having some small birds (local robins?) land in nearby bushes and tootle back. At the time I was charmed but I now realise that they were probably telling me to push off, in reply to my threatening tones!

Anyway, the human reactions seemed even less favourable at the time and this is probably why I made my first 'technically' low whistle, in low 'G', in a smithy in the north east of Tasmania around that time. I did come across a low 'G' Hohner whistle, in Melbourne, but that was in "old high pitch" - a good quarter tone higher than modern concert.

I still like the effect of a higher whistle in the open air, or in a large session but the 'G' involves so much care in finger placement (for me) that it is hardly worth the effort nowadays.


Bob Bolton