The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21312   Message #227077
Posted By: GUEST,Roger the skiffler
12-May-00 - 10:59 AM
Thread Name: If You like this band , you will love ..
Subject: RE: If You like this band , you will love ..
Several book and music shop websites do this but fail to distinguish (naturally) between things I order for myself and things I order as presents, so I spend a lot of time honing my "preferences" to weed out the ones I don't like. The Mudcat already serves this purpose better, after a while I got to know those 'Catters who share my tastes and have discovered artists new to me based on their recommendations. Otherwise, as Bert would say, I'd be stuck in the '50s!
Thanks to all 'Catters whose enthusiasm for particular musicians has added to my collection. (If the wife ever finds out who's responsible, you're dead meat!!