The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108897   Message #2270771
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
24-Feb-08 - 12:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hillary Blows a Fuse....
Subject: RE: BS: Hillary Blows a Fuse....
It is the same scary scenario as 2004, IMO, when everyone--but especially the anti-war majority of the Democratic party, silently lined up behind Kerry like automatons, and pulled the lever.

Anybody But Bush is now Anybody But McCain.

My greatest fear is history will repeat itself, and it will be yet another 8 years of Republican war mongering, which will result in our nation being completely bankrupted by the successive corporate Republicrat regimes.

This may well happen with or without Obama as the candidate. But there is als a possibility, if the backlash gets serious, you will see a whole lot of folks in Texas and Ohio swing back to Clinton the known quantity on March 4th. And then all this "Obama is a shoe-in" talk will have been all wrong again too.

The problem is still that the Democrats, including Obama, don't stand for anything identifiable that will truly change people's lives. That is where Obama sounds like an empty suit. He keeps talking about changing politics, not people's lives in authentic and meaningful ways.

And he is now deeply in debt to the corporate masters financing his campaign too, don't forget.

Why people think he is progressive, I'll never know.