The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2270906
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
24-Feb-08 - 09:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Amos, I didn't post any of those articles from other websites because I agree with any and all of them. I posted them as examples of what other people are thinking and saying about Obama.

A backlash against him, now that he is the frontrunner, was inevitable. The fact that huge crowds of people are relating to and responding to him as if he were a cult messiah figure or a celebrity, is something a lot of voters, including me, find very disturbing. Especially in light of how fucked up Bush/Cheney, Inc. has made this world.

I don't want a rock star, celebrity, savior politician for president. The thought of that absolutely terrifies me, because I know all the major party candidates are the frontman/puppets for the corporados. The pretty, shiny, new face they put forth, to lull people into believing that looking and sounding different equates with an ability to systemically change all the things wrong with the nation as a result of nearly a decade of mismanagement. The problem here isn't just that there isn't a dime's worth of difference between Clinton and Obama. It is also that there is only 24 cents worth of difference between them and McCain.

Here is the true answer to what ails us as a nation: electoral presidential elections can't save us from ourselves.

Try googling The Story of Stuff. The problem isn't just with the candidates or the system. The problem is our own greed and avarice, our own 'fuck the rest the world' attitude.