The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108904   Message #2271002
Posted By: Dan Keding
24-Feb-08 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Nader is coming on Meet the Press now
Subject: RE: BS: Nader is coming on Meet the Press now
I agree that the world needs more Naders but why is it always grandstanding at the worst possible moment that brings out Ralph's decision to run. We don't hear about him for months or years and then he's off to the races "bringing the issues to the forefront."

Why hasn't he run for office in his own state? - think globally, act locally. There seems to be an aspect of ego in this whole affair. The smaller parties and independents have not proved that they can make any significant inroads locally and until they do they only act as a spoiler in presidential campaigns.

I agree that we need more than two parties and that we need to have an awareness of social and economic issues that are not addressed by the Republicans or Democrats but I don't want to see another eight years of Republican war mongering because Ralph likes to see his name in print. Obama or Clinton might not be the answer for most of our problems but either one is a better starting off place than McCain.

Politicians - and that includes Nader - have big egos that are fueled by public adoration and the courting of their favor by the rich and/or powerful. Yes, even those with big egos can do good, but how many times have we ever seen someone back out of a race not because they were losing in the primaries but because they actually thought that another candidate was the better person for the job or the right person for the times? Nader is no exception. After eight years of government from saddle back, that he is partially responsible for, you'd think he'd have the courage, grace and humility to stay out.

Welcome to American politics where even the "good guys" are out to get their own.
