The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21312   Message #227104
Posted By: paddymac
12-May-00 - 11:49 AM
Thread Name: If You like this band , you will love ..
Subject: RE: If You like this band , you will love ..
HMM - Solus, Altan & Dervish. Solus, I think, is mostly Irish-American youngun's , and damned good. Altan is a Donegal band with a reflection of the area's scotch-irish heritage in their music. Also damned good. Dervish is a Sligo band, sort of in the same neck of the woods as Altan, but with a distinctive Sligo sound. Also exceptionally good. If you happen to be in Sligo, be sure to check out a pub called "Sheela-na-gig" down by the river. It's run by three of the folks in Dervish and if the group is not on tour most of them can usually be found playing in the seisiuns there. Seisiuns are five nights a week, excepting Wed & Sat.