The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108163   Message #2271080
Posted By: Charley Noble
24-Feb-08 - 01:27 PM
Thread Name: Art Thieme Offline,again - 2008
Subject: RE: Art Thieme Offline for a while
With regard to "squirrel wheels":

'Among the many models of the good society no one has urged the squirrel wheel'.

"So Galbraith remarks, yet living in affluent societies closely resembles a life on the squirrel wheel. This is the first aspect of the problem confronting those who live in a comparatively rich society. It arises because our aspirations get focussed on increasing income just as we have more of it than our parents or grandparents could ever have dreamt of. No sooner do we have more, than we want more….and so the wheel turns one more time, we re-adjust our beady eyes and begin to ascend the ladder again….with predictable effect."

There are also links to such apparatus, and no doubt with a little more research we could find a medieval wood block print.

Need I press this case? Or does the fur still fly?

Charley Noble