The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2271285
Posted By: GUEST,mg
24-Feb-08 - 05:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Gosh..the first Kool-Aid reference, not here but all over the internet and the press..was OK..not brilliant but OK...But it has become so 1990s..I guess we go to jumpin the shark next....

well, time for an obamarama group hug. I hope he is allowing the Return of Elvis emotion to continue because it will translate into votes, and then squelches it as soon as expedient. It is a little icky, but I like him anyway. He seems to me smart, smarter and more pragmatic than anyone coming down the pike in a long time. And he has a Muslim heritage..perhaps not his personal faith but it can not have helped but influence him. And so? What is not wonderful about that? He himself said something to the effect that a billion people were and perhaps he could breach some gaps or something to that effect. I think it is a plus. I think that talking as though, oh goodness, this is something bad, is idiotic. There are some dangers involved here, because by they way his ancestors considered things, he is one, like if your mother is Jewish, aren't you Jewish? and some of the more fervent do not like people abandoning their faith. Still, if people have Irish names people interrogate them if they are not Catholic..did an ancestor take the soup? mg