The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108163   Message #2271390
Posted By: Art Thieme
24-Feb-08 - 07:29 PM
Thread Name: Art Thieme Offline,again - 2008
Subject: RE: Art Thieme Offline for a while
It's cold as a teachers wit out there!!!---
But here at Mudcat it sure is wonderfully warm!!

PEOPLE, you all have made a grown man weep with joy this day. Simply unbelievable---all of you. It is a beautiful shiny metallic gray, looking for all the world like a stylish dinghy for an Air Stream trailer with a glowing blue light up front like the long spear searchlight headlamp on the 8-wheel-driver steam express running from Chicago to Portland, Oregon.   It's four times faster than anything I've ever used before even with my prehistoric dial-up connection. I had no idea this was going down; Cat could've let the Kat out of the bag when I talked to her yesterday, but, no, not her! ----------It's a Dell, by the way, just so you all will know.

Really, a huge thank you to all who are involved in doing this. I will strive to learn to use it wisely. But tonight I am speechless and having a ton of fun putting it through it's paces.

Love to you all,
