The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108163   Message #2271478
Posted By: catspaw49
24-Feb-08 - 08:59 PM
Thread Name: Art Thieme Offline,again - 2008
Subject: RE: Art Thieme Offline for a while
I bet Art likes the looks of THIS BOX even more than the others................

Goes like this Art.........Ya' see, its not that we like having you around here with bad puns all the time, although we do. And its not even that we would be lessened had you not started that brilliant and important Condom Thread, although we may have been. Actually what we do know is that you have so much great stuff to get filed and saved for future reference that we can't afford to trust the job to a worn out hamster ferchrissakes...........

Think of it this way......Most of us support NPR and PBS in the hopes that our $$$ go to something WE want, like maybe traditional music, instead of another informative special on Ubangi tribesman which, although interesting, I could really give less than two craps about. So some of us decided that if we gave our support to ART instead of PBS we'd be a lot better off.

Besides, I don't think any of us have ever had this much fun with NPR and PBS combined........(;<))
