The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108650   Message #2271670
Posted By: Richard Bridge
25-Feb-08 - 06:42 AM
Thread Name: Exercises for the voice
Subject: RE: Exercises for the voice
There are some mental exercises that are good for getting through the receipt of singing advice.

1. Repeat to oneself "This sounds like gibberish, but it MIGHT be useful if I can only figure out what they are trying to tell me"
2. Repeat to oneself "If I cannot understand what they are saying, it is not my fault, and I need not feel diminished. It is their job to explain."
3. Repeat to oneself "It is possible that they actually understand what they are doing, even if they cannot explain it. If I can set the timing on an old car's ignition by listening, maybe they can do something similar with voices. All I have to do is to discover the meaning hidden in their words."