The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108935   Message #2271959
Posted By: Little Hawk
25-Feb-08 - 01:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat is also difficult for.......
Subject: BS: Mudcat is also difficult for.......
A. People who've seen what they think are alien space vehicles and want to talk about it and be treated with a modicum of respect!

Trust me on this. ;-)

B. People who believe in God (however they may define "God") and who dare to say that they do....

C. People who aren't "liberal"...

D. Republicans

E. People who love Rap music...

F. Fans of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan.

G. People who think the Iraq War was a great idea and must be fought until it is decisively won...

H. Communists

I. Chimpanzees (who are constantly ridiculed by references to "poop-throwing" and other demeaning stuff like that)

J. People who think 911 was an inside job.

K. Guest posters.

L. Christians.

M. Muslims.

N. Believers in E.S.P., telepathy, chiropractic, alternative healing of any sort, tealeaf reading, ghosts, psychic healing, etc....etc...etc...

Yes, all of the above people (and chimps) find themselves often treated as pariahs on this forum. They are scorned and ridiculed by those "in the know". Their special qualities are not appreciated. Condemnatory assumptions are made about them. They are shut out of the "inner clique", spat upon, sneered at, denigrated, and castigated. They are accused of lacking logic and of not providing any "evidence". They are despised and loathed. If this were a small rural town, they could expect to soon find a mob of people bearing flaming torches gathered on their doorstep.

Fortunately, though, it's just the damned Internet. ;-)

So the best remedy for those hurt feelings is to take it all with a grain of salt, remind yourself that it really doesn't matter, put a smile on your face, and get on with your day!

*(By the way: I belong to only a few of the above listed categories. But I know how the game works around here...much as it does anywhere else where a large number of people gather and yak about stuff.)