The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108163   Message #2272259
Posted By: Art Thieme
25-Feb-08 - 06:22 PM
Thread Name: Art Thieme Offline,again - 2008
Subject: RE: Art Thieme Offline for a while
People, I awoke this morning and it was still here!! Again, you all are too much. I spent the morning downloading updates of all the areas of the computer that needed that done. Mostly Symantec, but some HP too. This machine really is FAST. I slept great last night. Had a strange dream where two politicians were in a debate! (Where could that've come from?) One of 'em yelled, "That's ludicrous!" And the other responded, "No, it's you that's luttefisk!!" ----- And it went on from there...

I told that to Kat on the phone today and I don't think she believed me. But that is accurate---just as it was dreamed. How the hell do you eat luttefisk anyhow? --- My spellcheck imploded on itself after that word confusticated it just now.

I'll be getting word to as many of you conspirators as I can learn about having had something to do with this grand gift!

To all of you, and to those who I miss finding out about, once again, THANK YOU!

Art Thieme