The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108935   Message #2273164
Posted By: John Hardly
26-Feb-08 - 07:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat is also difficult for.......
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat is also difficult for.......
Mudcat is also difficult for.......

...people who write with the opposite hand.

There's an interesting (well, interesting to me, but again, I amuse easily) thing to try...

With a full 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper on the table in front of you, take a pencil in each hand and simultaneously write your name with each hand -- but write it forward with your "dominant" hand and backwards with your weak hand.

Most people can make a near mirror image of their signature this way -- even if they've never even tried to pick up a writing tool with their weak hand.

Just another bit of useless trivia that you can spring on dinner guests when the conversation screeches to a halt.

Some people say that they can write upside down. I don't think I could. At least not very fast.

I take that back.

If I was hanging upside down I could still write. Pretty fast too. I'd have to. With all the blood rushing to my head I wouldn't want to take too long to write. I'd probably write something like, "Can I stop hanging here like this? It's terribly uncomfortable."

I seem to be able to wave hello with either hand. Some people say I look more sincere when I wave with my right hand. I've tried to see if there's anything to what they say, but the only way I can check is with a mirror -- and when I do that, I look like I'm waving left-handed. I must say though, I do look sincere.