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Thread #108968   Message #2273218
Posted By: GUEST,TIA
26-Feb-08 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama bin Laden???...
Subject: RE: BS: Obama bin Laden???...
My bet is that FOX News is in on this one. They get to repeatedly show Obama in an outfit that they know their basebots will see as proving that he really *is* muslim, and as a bonus twofer, they get to blame Hillary for pulling a "Clintonista" dirty trick (while showing the picture again). All the while seizing the false high ground by mildly disapproving of the whole flap.

It's just like the Obama-went-to-a-madrassa propaganda trick they pulled. They got to report that "some say" he went to a madrassa (whilst showing side-by-side pictures of a madrassa and a young Obama), and report that "some say" that the Clinton campaign was behind the rumor, and act disapproving of the whole thing while they push it relentlessly.

They are master of tricks Goebbels would be envious of.