The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108968   Message #2273355
Posted By: Jim Lad
27-Feb-08 - 12:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama bin Laden???...
Subject: RE: BS: Obama bin Laden???...
To some, the "More infamous bearer of the same name" was a national leader & martyr who was driven to the ground by a foreign nation and hanged for his oil.

What amazes me is that Barack Hussein Obama has risen so rapidly in the minds of Americans (with a great deal of help from the media) that every media outlet feels the need to jump to his aid every time there is even a hint of an insult tossed his way. Every slanderous act committed by him is either ignored or excused by the masses & his political opponent in the same party is demonized.
Now, you can't even say his name.

Shouldn't that make you afraid?

At what point do you say "Wait a minute"?