The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108935   Message #2274894
Posted By: Little Hawk
28-Feb-08 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat is also difficult for.......
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat is also difficult for....... may be pleased to meet Spaw now, TRUBRIT....but just wait! Eventually the grim realization will set in that you have been lulled into a false sense of security by a master of inane depravity, yes, a man who will stoop to any form of low and unconscionable behaviour in order to slander fine creatures such as Dachshunds...animals which he is not fit to even walk in the shadow of! And not only that, he even says rude things about Winona Ryder!!! Trust me, this is a very, very sick puppy we have here. An idiot of the first water. He should be confined to the East Wing of the NYCFTTS where he cannot do further harm to decent society.