The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108201   Message #2275404
Posted By: Stephen L. Rich
29-Feb-08 - 12:02 AM
Thread Name: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
Now that Utah is home and well we can once again start seriously talking about the watch. Nobody has stepped forward to actually take charge of this effort. Since I brought it up in the first place it seems reasonable that I should do so. So be it.

    As I write this my wife, Ingrid, is doing a wedsearch to get a handle on what a good, gold watch will cost. Knowing Utah's fascination with railroads Ingrid is, of course, looking at watch designs in the image of proper motormen's watches. If you know of a good watch, please, post a link to it so that we can all take a look at it.

    Meanwhile, I'm going to look into the feasibility of setting up a temporary PayPal account (or something like it) for the watch fund so that we can each conveniently contribute to it.

    I'm posting here to make sure that people see it. However, I am going to set up a seperate thread for the watch fund. Please, post any watch related comment there so that we're all, if you'll pardon the expression, on the same page with this thing.

    One more thing. If you are in some manner going to be in personal contact (phone, letter, or whatever) with Utah, Please, keep your mouth shut about this. It would be better if we can keep it a surprise.

Stephen Lee