The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109061   Message #2275680
Posted By: GUEST,Suffolk Miracle
29-Feb-08 - 09:39 AM
Thread Name: Chimney Sweep - erotic song?
Subject: RE: Chimney Sweep - erotic song?
On the same lines as DaveS:

The lodging house I live in - it drives me off my dot
The landlady there she's very nice, but a smokey flue she's got.
This morning she came up to me as I was coming down
And she said 'Mister, can you sweep my flue?' I said 'I'm off to town.
But I'll be up your way next week, I'll be up your way next week.
I've just swept out another woman's flue and my brush is bent and it won't suit you.
I always like to do the job as well as any sweep
You'll be singing like a thrush when I get my second brush -
I'll be up your way next week'