The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108635   Message #2276483
Posted By: Tweed
01-Mar-08 - 09:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert Seriously Messed Up....
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert Seriously Messed Up....
It's the right arm Bobert?? The one you hold the 30/06 up against while shooting bears, bottles and other critters??

Bad Karma bro and this needs Reverse Karmic Reconsolidation Maneuvers.

First, remove the wood stocks from all your rifles and shotguns and burn them along with any of the bear's bones. Use a seal blubber accelerant to make sure everything is consumed and apply a liberal coat of the ash/blubber remains to your whole body, then string all the barrels and metal hardware into windchimes and on breezy nights, dance nekkid in the moonlight to the tunes it makes. This won't heal yore right arm but will keep anything from screwing with the left one.

As for surgury, I can't tell you nothin' as I am not keen on that either. Hope you gets better before you have to think seriously about that. I do know three of the local redneck hunters that I work with who've had to do rotor cuff surgury and I think it's got somethin' to do with recoil slamming into their armpits. I don't shoot, and I ain't had it and I've done the same work as they do for 28 years. Yas, yas, not very scientific but sorta makes sense in a motherwit way.