The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109055   Message #2276525
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
01-Mar-08 - 10:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views on McCain
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views on McCain
I don't know how 'popular' my view of McCain is, and don't give a rip. I think that if the main issue driving voters come November is the war, McCain will win, possibly by a significant margin.

If the economy is the main issue in November, the Democrat will win, whether it is Obama or Clinton it won't matter.

What will matter but most voters won't think about regardless of where we are at with the war, is where any of the candidates will lead us in terms of 'the next battleground'. Because there will be one, whether the charge is led by President Obama, President Clinton, or President McCain, because they are all stickin' with the empire.

Obama seems really ignorant of the issues tied up in the US empire building and US militarism, and that really scares me.

If he would say 'impeachment should be on the table' or that he will go after the crooks in the Pentagon and Defense Dept. I could get on board with him. It is that simple, to win my vote. THAT would be an authentic paradigm shift.

Both McCain and Obama are sitting pretty in their respective parties thanks to fed up w/partisan bullshit independents, NOT their party loyalists. Whether that turns out to be an anomaly this year, and the partisanship machines kick into high gear to kill the independent voter movement beast, we'll see in the post-November era.

But it is no accident that the two candidates with the greatest appeal to independent, rather than partisan voters, is winning this year.

Independent voters were really turned off by the anti-indie/pro-partisan vitriol of 2004, especially when it blew up in the Democrats faces with their loser Kerry--an incredibly AWFUL born with a silver foot in his mouth candidate.