The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109111   Message #2277588
Posted By: greg stephens
02-Mar-08 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: Folk terminology
Subject: RE: Folk terminology
I think "97 verse ballad" is a perfectly acceptable bit of humorous hyperbole. Much like "17 pints of lager". The terms just mean "a very long song" and " a lot of beer" and that is fine by me. In general, I share Jim Carroll's viewpoint on this.I especially get rather tired of the tankard/sweater/finger in ear school of journalism.. I am a traddy(though also one of the dreaded multi-cultural fusion innovators as well),but I have never worn an Aran sweater, never sung in public with a hand anywhere near my ear(though I've tried it out at home), and I have NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER walked along the front at Sidmouth with a tankard attached to my belt, or to any other part of my clothing or my anatomy.